Upgrade your equipment is a must for the correct operation in any factory. Sometimes the equipment may be in working conditions but some other machines may not be in optimal condition and yet, a small failure can cause several days off because the lack of spare parts, documentation or not well documented modifications. In several cases, machines have old PLCs without software backups, the programming software no longer works on current operating systems or interface cables are hard to get.
Everyone who has been in the industry some time knows that this is a cyclic process that doesn’t have to be complicated. Develop a plan and a strategy that let us reduce the upgrade time, listening carefully to the production department, is a key element.

Tenemos la experiencia para actualizar los sistemas de control basados en PLC o SCADA a nuevas versiones o cambio a nuevas tecnologías. Nuestro equipo de ingenieros revisa los detalles, visibles y ocultos, que se encuentran en la operación del sistema tratando de mantener aquellos elementos a los que los operadores y el personal de mantenimiento están acostumbrado, reduciendo el tiempo de capacitación.